Rules for abstracts and papers

Abstracts of papers (recommended level: at least one page and no more than 2 pages of A4 format) should be prepared using a text editor MS Word 2003(!) taking into account the following basic requirements:

Abstracts of papers should be sent to or

Printed version of abstracts of papers should be sent to: SUSU, 454080, Chelyabinsk, Lenin prospect, 76, room 913.


Numbering order of attributions should be in the order of appearing them in the text. It means that attributions should be in the order of quotations.

Example of the references execution: [1], [1, 2], [1, 2–4].

  1. Vonsovskii, S.v. Magnetism / S.v. Vonsovskii. — М.: Nauka, 1971. — 1032 p.
  2. The First, А. А. The name of publication in the periodical / А. А. The First, Б. Б. The Second, В. В. The Third // Name of journal. — 2004. — v. 104, № 1. — P. 8 — 12.
  3. The First, А.А. he name of publication in the university`s collected stories / А. А. The First // Herald of the South Ural State University. Ser. «Mathematics, Physics, Biology». — 2003. — Edition. 4, № 8(24). — P. 4 — 9.
  4. The First, А. А. The bass of theory and practical application: dissertation of. D.E. … / А. А. The First. — City, 2000. — 300 p.
  5. Joseph, D. D. Heat waves // D. D. Joseph, L. Preziosi / Rev. Mod. Phys. — 1989. — v. 61, № 1. — P. 41 — 73.